“Secrets of the Most Successful College Students” – Tom’s Point of View

    College is a very big step between high school and the workforce and as such, it can have it’s many challenges which you’ll need to overcome. However, with the assistance of an article known as “Secrets of the Most Successful College Students” by Annie Murphy Paul, there are many ways you can make this terrifying stage in your life, seem so much easier.


    The first thing I noticed about this article, was the difference between high school and college. Honestly, in high school, you wouldn’t be “content with failure” or “pursuing passion ahead of As”. In fact, that’s what you would be pursuing. It seems though that in college, at least to my understanding, the focus is more on being dedicated to your dream career and it isn’t based so much upon the numbers. If that’s the case, then I definitely agree, focus on the important things, the things that will matter in the future when you go to pursue opportunities outside of college. Pursue your dream job, your dream career, focus on what will get you there, and if you come out with good grades, then I suppose that’s a bonus.


    Another thing which I noticed, was how this article was focused on thinking big. They want you to ask big questions, create goals and then reach them, as well as to actively read and think. This makes perfect sense to me as it trains the brain to get deep into thought and to have objectives to overcome, which is usually quite important considering the positive motivation completing your goals can give you. If you can find a way to set studying goals for yourself, it can really help you do well. For example, on your first day, study for 10 minutes, then 15 the next day, 20, etc. until you’re at your desired time. As far as thinking big, like they suggested, think outside the box. Think about things as big as the nature of consciousness, or like they said, “Why do we have life, and what is it’s nature?” Ask yourself these questions, it really challenges the brain to think deep. I know it helps me when I think deeply like this and it will probably help you. I’m glad the author brought up the thinking big suggestion, because I find it to be very effective.


    Overall, I was very satisfied with the article and the assistance it gives to college students. Again, college can be a very terrifying time to go through. But if you keep these simple little tricks in mind, perhaps it won’t seem so frightening. I advise more students who are considering taking college, or are already taking college, to read this article as it’s a true asset as far as ways of thinking.

One thought on ““Secrets of the Most Successful College Students” – Tom’s Point of View

  1. Nice blog…lots of extras, yet it doesn’t look too busy. Really nice format.

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